Despite the data on poverty, inequality, and food insecurity, a considerable portion of the world still faces uncertainty about access to food.

Institutions and organizations worldwide invest time and resources in mapping shortages, providing insight on arable lands, and gathering data on best practices. Commitments and plans to provide food and clean water have been a mission for global organizations and individual state governments for centuries.


Despite the plans and good intentions, we still lack the food and access needed to improve societal conditions. Funds aimed at growing the agriculture sector are either poorly managed or, once disbursed, improperly utilized. This gap exists, regardless of the best intentions to improve conditions. We research and write about these gaps to provide data contributing to the overall progress.

Sustained growth transitions a society from relying on subsistent farming to leveraging its competitive advantage for agribusiness by making it attractive to investors.


Improving the viability of agriculture as a global commodity enhances the creditworthiness of the agribusiness.